Friday, October 29, 2010

I can sew something other than a purse ......

I was starting to get a bit worried that I couldn't!  I bought a new whizz bang Janome sewing machine last year and all I ever sewed on it was straight stitch!  To make matters worse, I accidentally threw the manual in the recycling!  

This what the pattern looks like.    The frock is to wear to a ball tomorrow night.  I figured that what I saved on the frock, I could spend on shoes..... so I bought two pairs.  Just in case.


  1. Wowee! You're going to be the swishest girl at the party in that lovely frock.

  2. Good for you! Have a great time at the ball :)

  3. very nice dress, I love the lines!

  4. It actually looks quite professional :)
    Show me the shoes!!
